The Tragic Intersection of Mental Illness with Our Criminal Justice System

Making sense with Mark Gale

Season 3 | Episode 10 | September 26, 2022

Mark Gale’s credentials for this interview are unparalleled.  

He serves as the Criminal Justice Chair of NAMI (National Alliance on Mental Illness) Greater Los Angeles County.  Mark also represents NAMI on the Los Angeles County District Attorney’s Criminal Justice Mental Health Advisory Board, serves as a member of the Permanent Steering Committee of the Office of Diversion and Reentry (ODR), the Alternatives to Incarceration Initiative (ATI), and the Men’s Central Jail Closure Workgroupin the pursuit of L.A. County’s Care First, Jail Last strategy.  Additionally, he leads the NAMI Crisis Intervention Team (CIT) partnership with law enforcement in Los Angeles County.  

In addition to his extensive volunteer and leadership work with NAMI, Mark was one of the four co-hosts/editors of the LPS Reform Rask Force II. This was a four year-long effort to identify important recommendations to reforming our LPS mental health statutes and protocols that were detailed in the report entitled “Separate and Not Equal.”

He is also father of a son with a serious mental illness.

Reports, articles and resources referenced in this interview:

Podcast references in this interview:


Season 4 Trailer


Does the American Mental Health System Stand the Test of a Human Rights framework?